Nov. 07, 2023
Balmoral School was selected as the Top Performing K-12 School Property by The City of Calgary BenchmarkYYC Program for calendar year 2021. The awards recognize organizations and businesses that have improved energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
The school was compared against 63 similar properties and came out with the lowest total greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity of 39.9 kg CO2(equivalent)/m2/year, which is 41 per cent better than the category average of 68.2 kg CO2e/m2/year.
“We are grateful to receive this recognition as we continue our work to meet the greenhouse gas emissions and energy intensity targets set out in our Sustainability Framework,” said Dany Breton, superintendent of Facilities and Environmental Services.
Balmoral School was built in 1913, while it is one of the oldest buildings in the CBE portfolio, its thick sandstone walls together with some targeted insulation and building envelope upgrades have contributed to its high overall energy efficiency.
The CBE works to manage and reduce its energy consumption through many initiatives across our portfolio including energy efficient facility upgrades, utility management at a school and system level, and engaging staff and students in energy education and awareness campaigns.
The award plaque will be mounted in Balmoral School as a reminder of CBE’s continued commitment to the environment models and leadership in contributing to a sustainable future.
The first annual Building Energy Benchmarking Awards were presented on Oct. 26, 2023, during the 2023 Calgary Climate Symposium in partnership with the Alberta Emerald Foundation.