Dr. George Lane – CBE Trustee 2004-13

Jun. 08, 2022

​​​​​The CBE is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former trustee Dr. George Lane in late May, 2022. Dr. Lane was fiercely dedicated to students and public education, serving as trustee for Wards 6 and 7 for three consecutive terms from 2004 to 2013. 

George had a long career in education which began in one of Alberta’s last one-room schoolhouses where he taught Grades 1-9.  He went on to work at the Saskatchewan Technical Institute, the University of Alberta, Concordia University and the University of Calgary where he was dean of the Faculty of Management.  Along with his extensive career in academia, George also ran a business and provided consulting services to many different industries.

He will be missed. ​​​

Former trustee Dr. George Lane​
Trustee Lane is thanked for his years of service by former Chief Superintendent Naomi Johnson and Deputy Superintendent David Stevenson.​
George Lane (centre, front row) poses with fellow trustees Gordon Dirks, Kyle Fawcett, Carol Bazinet, Lynn Ferguson, Pat Cochrane and Nancy Close.​