Honouring National Indigenous History Month

May. 31, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A Commitment to Learning and Celebrating Indigenous Cultures 

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity to honour the histories, cultures, and resilience of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples across Canada. We acknowledge the contributions of Indigenous peoples to our society, their enduring cultures, languages, and traditions, and their incredible resilience in the face of historical and ongoing challenges.  

Throughout June, CBE schools and service units will host a variety of events and activities designed to engage students, staff, and the wider community in learning about Indigenous histories and cultures. Staff, students, and families can also spend time in the community celebrating as part of Aboriginal Awareness Week Calgary.  ​

Integrating Indigenous Perspectives in Education 

Our commitment to Indigenous education is year-round. CBE has developed and implemented several initiatives aimed at embedding Indigenous perspectives in our educational practices. Examples include: 

  • Indigenous Education Holistic Lifelong Learning Framework: This framework guides our approach to supporting Indigenous students and integrating Indigenous ways of being, belonging, doing and knowing across all grade levels and the system. 

  • Professional development for educators: Offering continuous learning opportunities for our teachers and staff to deepen their understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures, and Truth and Reconciliation. 

    In line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action, CBE is committed to promoting Education for ReconciliACTION. As we observe National Indigenous History Month and celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, we renew our dedication to learning, celebrating, and honouring Indigenous cultures and resilience. Schools will revisit and share their Truth and Reconciliation Commitments to Action. Together, we are working to ensure that each Indigenous student experiences improved well-being and achievement and that all students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indigenous histories and contributions. Join us in celebrating National Indigenous History Month and in our ongoing journey toward Truth and Reconciliation. 

    Get Involved 

    ​​We invite our community to participate in the events and activities taking place throughout the month.
    June 17 to 21 | Aboriginal Awareness Week (City of Calgary) 
    June 15 | Secret Path with Mike Downie 
    June 21 | National Indigenous Peoples' Day 
    June 22 | National Indigenous Family Day and Powwow ​
