June is National Indigenous History Month

Jun. 01, 2023

​​June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to learn about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

In recognition of this month, the CBE Indigenous Education Team has created a calendar of events, activities and resources. Embedded with links to a number of films, books, contemporary music, and stories, there is something for everyone. The National Indigenous History Month Calendar is a valuable resource to deepen our understanding of Indigenous peoples and communities and to continue our collective journey through Truth and Reconciliation.

Notable Dates for Indigenous History Month

Gifting of​ Flags  

All CBE schools received a Treaty 7, Métis Nation, and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami flag.

The gift of these flags serves to honour Indigenous Treaty relationships, rights and responsibilities. There will be a system-wide honouring of the flags on June 21, Indigenous Peoples' Day. The Indigenous Education Team will be sharing a video with schools to honour the flags to promote awareness and recognition of Indigenous communities and their rich cultural heritage. ​

Renewed Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

Since 2021, each CBE school has made a Commitment to Action in support of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action. Throughout this month, schools will engage in the process of reflection to renew their TRC Commitments to Action. This year, all CBE schools will share their renewed TRC Commitment to Action with their school community in honour of National Indigenous Peoples' Day.

​Schools are also invited to consider opportunities to give back to the Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers and community members who have supported each school's unique learning over the past year. In the spirit of reciprocity, schools are encouraged to share how Indigenous ways of being, belonging, doing and knowing have impacted their learning and work with students’ values. They are also encouraged to nurture their relationships with the Indigenous community.

National Indigenous History Month Resources

If parents/guardians are looking for more information, events, or ways to involve students in learning and education outside of the classroom, please view the links below: