Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media Use in Schools

Aug. 27, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​You may have heard that cell phones and other devices will be restricted in schools this year.  Personal mobile devices include any device that can be used to communicate with or access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, gaming device, laptop or smartwatch. This also includes devices capable of communicating with a mobile device such as headphones and bluetooth devices (e.g. earbuds and speakers.)​

These new rules will apply to all students, with exceptions for students using devices for health and medical needs, to support specialized learning needs and for educational purposes.  

  • CBE will block student access to known social media platforms on school networks and school devices for all grade levels.
  • K-9 Students: will not be permitted to use personal mobile devices during the school day. Student devices brought to school must be out of sight and either powered off or set to silent. They should be left in backpacks, lockers or areas designated by teachers or better yet - simply left at home.
  • Grade 10-12 Students: personal mobile devices are not allowed during class time unless teachers allow it for specific learning tasks. Personal mobile devices should be silenced or turned off and stowed away in a bag, backpack, locker, or in a designated area as directed by teachers.  

If a student is found to be using a personal mobile device in class without permission from the teacher, the CBE will work with the student to ensure the rules are understood. We rely on good communication and other existing processes to ensure students know what is expected.   

Positive results have already been seen within schools that have implemented similar measures in recent years. Our goal is to improve student achievement and well-being with a focused and supportive learning environment.   

The Student Personal Mobile Devices policy will be in place for the first day of school. However, it is set to be reviewed in December, 2024. At that time, any feedback from schools will be considered before the AR is finalized as of Jan. 1, 2025.   

Thank you for helping us to make this transition successful. For more information, please visit our website or contact your school directly.​​​​​