Feb. 28, 2018
Robert Thirsk High School is excited to host the fourth annual Rising Star International Student Film
Festival. Students are invited to create and submit a two- to seven-minute short film for competition
in the festival.
Submissions are due March 9, 2018.
Entries will be judged and critiqued by a panel of Canadian industry professionals, including Michael
frislev, Producer of Hell On Wheels & Fargo, Lewin Webb (Legends of the Fall, Casino Jack), Terry Coles
(Former President of YTV), Chris Kelly (Actor - Heartland), Kevin Scullion (Producer, Warner Bros -
Hooligans), Brian Vos & Jeff August (Producers, Olympic Games ESPN - Jump Studios), Andy Curtis
(Actor/Producer, One Yellow Rabbit),and Jonathan Love (CBC).
Astronaut and school namesake Dr. Robert Thirsk will also be participating in the judge’s panel and
offer critique of student films.