Rising Star International Student Film Festival – Call for Submissions

Feb. 28, 2018

Robert Thirsk High School
is excited to host the fourth annual Rising Star International Student Film
Festival. Students are invited to create and submit a two- to seven-minute short film for competition
in the festival.
Submissions are due March 9, 2018.
Entries will be judged and critiqued by a panel of Canadian industry professionals, including Michael
frislev, Producer of Hell On Wheels & Fargo, Lewin Webb (Legends of the Fall, Casino Jack), Terry Coles
(Former President of YTV), Chris Kelly (Actor - Heartland), Kevin Scullion (Producer, Warner Bros -
Hooligans), Brian Vos & Jeff August (Producers, Olympic Games ESPN - Jump Studios), Andy Curtis
(Actor/Producer, One Yellow Rabbit),and Jonathan Love (CBC).
Astronaut and school namesake Dr. Robert Thirsk will also be participating in the judge’s panel and
offer critique of student films.
For more information on how to submit your film or about the festival, please visit