Sep. 19, 2017
For six weeks this summer, nine CBE high school students had the opportunity to be part of the Heritage Youth Researcher Summer (HYRS) program at the University of Calgary. Students participated in state-of-the-art lab research. During the program, students meet and connect with members of the scientific community who offer invaluable insights on potential careers and future possibilities for students.
“The HYRS program provided me with a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience biomedical and health research first-hand. It was amazing to experience STEM career opportunities, while in high school,” says Srijal G., Grade 12 student at Robert Thirsk High School.
Student selection for the HYRS program is rigorous and competitive as students from public, separate, charter and private schools compete for 22 spots. Selected students worked in specialized scientific research laboratories, including the Noskov Laboratory where Srijal G. worked, for the duration of the program.
“My project was related to the treatment and diagnosis of thyroid cancer, specifically through a protein known as NIS,” says Srijal.
Applications for the HYRS program come out early in the year, and are due in March.
More information can be found here.