If my child transfers to another school division how will they understand my child’s progress?
Outcomes-based reporting communicates specifically your child’s achievement of the Alberta Programs of Study. Outcomes-based reporting will provide receiving schools with a clear understanding of your child as a learner, what they know and can do and how to further support learning opportunities for your child.
How does a teacher use multiple assessment tools to determine a final grade?
Assessment consists of a variety of conversation, observation, process-based and product-based forms over time. These multiple forms of assessment determine the extent to which learner outcomes have been demonstrated by your child.
Rubrics are clearly outlined sets of criteria that explain what a learner should know and be able to do. Throughout a unit of study a teacher will use a variety of assessments (rubrics, labs, tests, performance-based, observations, feedback, conversations, quizzes, portfolios etc.) At the end of their unit of study, students and teachers can assess progress in reference to the criteria, and decide on next steps in learning. A teacher then uses the most recent evidence of achievement to determine a final grade.
How will behavior, punctuality, and participation be graded?
Skills such as working with others, following directions, punctuality and participation are important for success in life. In the CBE, such skills are reported separately from academic achievement through Results 3: Citizenship, 4: Personal Development and 5: Character.
Who do I contact if I have questions or comments about reporting and assessment practices at my child’s school?
Contact the school principal to share any comments or discuss any questions you might have.
High school and beyond FAQs:
How will this impact my child’s transition to a high school?