Unique Pathways & Off-campus Education

Unique Pathways & Off-campus Education Digital Futures Pathway

Digital Futures Pathway

The Digital Futures Pathway is CBE's “collegiate in the cloud" concept delivered through in-person, online and blended learning environments. An extension of CBE's career pathways programming, it offers enhanced opportunities in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). This is a multi-year program with various entry points provides exposure in diverse areas initially and then a narrower focus on specific interests throughout high school.

In partnership with SAIT's School for Advanced Digital Technology, MacPhail School of Energy, and School of Manufacturing and Automation, the Digital Futures Pathway prepares students for the rapidly growing tech ecosystem and connects them with career interests and potential pathways into the workplace.

There are a variety of cutting-edge programs and training pathways such as:  

  • ​Animator
  • Basic Programming
  • Control Systems Tester
  • Electronics Engineering Technologist
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Graphic Designer / Illustrator
  • Robotics
  • Microprocessor Design and Programming
  • Videographer
  • Web Developer
  • Photojournalist

Registering Studen​​ts in Grade 10

The Digital Futures Pathway began during the 2024-25 school year, accepting over 100 Grade 10 students looking to get early exposure and a head start in pursuing meaningful work or post-secondary education in ICT.

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin in March. Current Grade 9 students interested in the program will be given the opportunity to participate through an expression of interest.  If interest is greater than the program capacity, a student lottery will be used to select students.  

Program Locations and Enro​lment 

Students accepted into the Digital Futures Pathway take regular programming at their home high school focusing on Career and Technology Studies (CTS) offerings that highlight extension of ICT skills. Some pathways require specialized facilities, but most programs will occur within a student's home high school or online through CBe-learn.

The CBE currently offers several off-campus, exploratory or dual-credit opportunities for students during the school year as well as during the summer. Students may also have opportunity to enroll in a variety of Unique Pathways programs, including dual-credit where they can gain both high school and post-secondary credit, while attending to course enrollments on a post-secondary campus.

Interested students should connect with the guidance counsellor or school administration at their current school to discuss 2025-26 programming.  ​

  • Program Partner​


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​Digital Futures Pathway

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Last modified: 12/17/2024 3:07 PM
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