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Ongoing Learning Grades 6-9 Parent Supports

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Grades 6-9 Parent Supports

Offli​​ne Activities 

  • Use active transportation (biking, walking, skateboarding, scootering etc.) to travel around your neighbourhood 
  • Create some skipping, bike, hacky sack, scooter, skateboard, dribbling, volleying, etc. challenges for self or others.  
  • Use a recipe to make a favourite meal 
  • Play word games such as scrabble, crossword puzzles, word searches 
  • Read/write comics, graphic novels, maps, magazines, pamphlets 
  • Start a family book club, discuss your favourite characters or parts 
  • Go on a brief walk with a notebook or sketchbook.   
    • From all that you have noticed, what would you like to change? What inspires you? Surprised you? 
    • What interesting things can you find to draw that you've never noticed before? 
  • Examine a family photograph or heirloom and share why it is special 
  • Call an older relative. Ask them to teach you a song or tell a story from their childhood 
  • Describe the place you are in right now from the point of view of something else. This "​something else" could be an object, or another person, it can be whatever you choose. 
  • Learn a card game of Crib, Ninety-nine, or Big Three 
  • Design a probability experiment; for example, what is the probability that you will see a dog walking by your house in the next 10 minutes?  

Online ​Resources  

Review the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for ages 5-17 

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines 

TeenBookCloud (https://w​ An online collection of eBooks, novels, graphic novels, video, and audiobooks through the Calgary Public Libra​ry(CPL). Students and Parents can access resources using their free CPL Library card.

Calgary Public Library Resources: e-books, Bookflix, music, movies, online tutoring, encyclopedias, etc. Your library card number is your email without the ​Parents and Students can access resources using their free CPL Library card. 

CommonLit: Fiction and non-fiction texts for students in G​rade​s 3-12 

18 Best Podcasts for Kids in Elementary, Middle and High School 

What's Going on in this Picture? Images from The New York Times stripped of their captions – and an invitation for students to discuss and write about. 


  • Use visual estimation, and patterning to form an estimate based on a picture and then see a “reveal" 
  • Suitable for Grades 4 – 9  


  • Use logic to solve visual, interactive mathematical puzzles 
  • Suitable for K – 12 

Let's Talk Science 
Last modified: 4/16/2020 9:13 AM
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