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Archive Jack James High School

Jack James High School

Grades 10-12 | Modernization

Completed | Sept. 2016

Construction Status

The construction status is updated using the Construction Projects Status Report that is presented monthly to the Board of Trustees.

  • Masonry work and glazing continues in the Horticultural Greenhouse space. Progress on site continues to be good. (new June 14, 2016)

Project History and Background

May 2016
  • Building Trades Expansion was delayed due to delays caused by the discovery of lead paint and existing concrete beams which required replacement with steel beams. The Autobody expansion and Multipurpose Room was turned over to the school in March 2016. Masonry work continues in the Horticultural Greenhouse space and interior work continues in the Childcare Area. An additional wireless upgrade project has been identified by IT and impacts on the project are being assessed.
March 2016
  • The Building Trades expansion space was turned over in mid February 2016. In addition, the Autobody and Multipurpose Room was delayed from February to March 2016 due to these knock-on effects.
February 2016
  • Design Team has commenced detailed assessments of the school and has developed conceptual schematic layouts of the required program spaces.
January 2016
  • Steel erection is ongoing. Sprinkler installation has commenced with internal demolitions. Construction is currently on schedule.
December 2015
  • Building Trades Expansion nearing completion for turnover in December 2015. Interior work progressing with mechanical and electrical installations. Autobody exterior block walls completed with interior walls and mechanical and electrical installations progressing. Horticulture structural steel issues being resolved.
    Greenhouse structural steel complete. Construction is on schedule.
November 2015
  • Structural steel and metal decking to Building Trades addition complete. Mechanical and Electrical progressing with block work being completed. Structural steel complete, with interior partitions and Mechanical and Electrical progressing on the Autobody expansion and modernization. Asphalt and concrete to commence this Fall. Greenhouse structural steel is in place, with interiors to be completed in early 2016. Exterior concrete and canopies to Childcare area being installed. Construction remains on schedule.
October 2015
  • Metal decking for the Building trades expansion has commenced. Structural steel erection for the auto body expansio is underway. The greenhouse structural steel is in place.
Summer 2015
  • Construction remains on schedule and the first program area will be ready for occupancy at the commencement of the new school year.
  • A second bid package (balance of work) was approved by Alberta Infrastructure and the Board of Trustees and awarded to the construction manager  in mid-April. A full Building Permit has been issued and mobilization and construction activities have commenced.
  • Alberta Infrastructure has reviewed and approved the tender documents and Cost Report.
  • Sequential tendering has commenced and the first bid package for work has been approved for award by Alberta Infrastructure. Construction mobilization has commenced.
  • Development Plan Permit Application was submitted to the City of Calgary in August 2014 and was approved in December 2014.
  • A Design Development Cost Report has been completed.
  • The design process is underway
  • The CBE will oversee the modernization
  • Prime Consultants - Dialog Alberta Architecture
  • Project Manager - Turnbull Construction Services Ltd.
  • Construction Manager - Carbon Constructors Inc.

Project Background

  • January 2014 - The Calgary Board of Education received approval from the Province of Alberta for major modernization projects.
  • 2010 – Jack James High School was identified as a priority for modernization on the CBE Three-Year Capital Plan.

Working with the Community

We are committed to providing regular updates on this webpage.
  • Sept. 17, 2014 – Design presentation and open house
  • August 6, 2014 – Public engagement and open house
  • June 18, 2014 – Public engagement and open house

School Community

Jack James High School is a Knowledge and Employability (K & E) school for students needing an occupational approach to learning. The school also provides additional support for students to complete their high school education. The school currently offers both a K & E Certificate of High School Completion and/or a High School Diploma, in addition to two Pace Learning Program (PLP) specialized program classes. The central focus of the school is to successfully transition students from high school to the workplace, apprenticeships, and post-secondary.
Following the modernization, the school will continue to offer K & E programming along with Career and Technology Studies (CTS) programs.
The CTS programs combine authentic and relevant learning opportunities with personalized learning, where classroom theory can be moved into performance related activities.
CTS programs that will be offered following the modernization will include:
  • Auto Body
  • Horticulture and Landscaping
  • Child Development and Child Care
  • Building Trades
  • School Facility
Jack James High School was constructed in 1980. Due to the age and condition of the building components, a modernization will improve functionality, security, safety and will upgrade building infrastructure.
This modernization focuses on upgrading CTS program space and includes a partial upgrading of the building envelope and mechanical/electrical systems. The modernization will also include replacement of worn architectural finishes and fixtures, building code upgrades, hazardous material abatement, accessibility improvements and program space renovations.

School Facility

The original two-storey building was constructed in 1980. There have been several renovations throughout the building since construction.

The total area of the main building is 10,118 m2 and consists of 37 classrooms.



Construction Photos Slideshow

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Last modified: 9/6/2016 2:38 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster