High School

High School Address Changes

Address Changes

Each CBE student is designated to a high school (Grades 10 to 12) based on their home address on file with the CBE. 

See the Find a School Tool​ to confirm your designated high school. If a student has moved to a new address, the parent/ legal guardian/ independent student may request that the student transfer to their new designated school.

Request A Tra​n​sfer

To request a transfer, complete the Change of Address for High School Form and submit proof of the new, current address.​

Change of Address for High School​​​

  • Proof of A​​​​ddress

    Proof is required of the new, current address. Accepted proof includes:

    • bank statement
    • GST rebate
    • home or renter insurance
    • income tax statement
    • mortgage statement
    • property tax assessment
    • utility bill
    • driver’s license 

    The document must include the new current address and the name of the parent, legal guardian or independent student. Schools are not able to accommodate the change of address without the proof of address.

Contact Us

To find out more about registration at your school, please contact your school directly.

For general questions about registration email us for the quickest response, or call the CBE's School Information Line:



Last modified: 7/15/2024 1:47 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster